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President's Report

Future Bridge in District 6


We are starting to see life return back to normal – many of us are vaccinated against COVID and we are starting to socialize again.  We don’t know the exact time-table for a return to face-to-face (F2F) bridge, but we are starting to plan for it. The ACBL has just issued updated guidance to the Districts on the return to face-to-face bridge that I want to share with you and then ask you some questions.

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Newsletter March 2021

Hello District 6 Bridge Players

I want to bring you up to date with what has been happening in District 6 during the past several months.

First, on-line bridge has continued to be where we play nearly all of our bridge. We don’t know when face-to-face-bridge will return, but we have been planning as best we can. As you may have read in the ACBL bulletin, we expect that face-to-face bridge will return in a “bottom up” fashion – first at local clubs, then at Sectionals, followed by Regionals, etc. If vaccination efforts continue as planned, we can expect to see things opening up some time during mid-to-late summer – it will all depend on when we feel safe to return to face-to-face bridge.

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President’s Report

Hello fellow bridge players. I am the new President of District 6. To those who don’t know me, I live in Northern Virginia with my wife, Avril. We are both bridge players and have supported bridge in many ways during the past 30 years.  I am looking forward to helping District 6 in the months ahead. 

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President’s Report

Hello fellow bridge players! I hope that you are staying safe and healthy while we manage through this pandemic.

Last week our District 6 Board of Directors met to elect our new BoD Officers who will assume their new roles on September 1, 2020.

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It Takes A Village

Summer is in full swing and the Richmond and Reston Regionals were a lot of fun thanks to all the volunteers who work very hard to deliver our tournaments. Up next is Hunt Valley (Aug 12) and Chesapeake (Nov 11). Continue reading…

Make plans now to attend the Chesapeake Regional in November

Thank you for participating in our Regional Tournaments this year in Richmond and Reston, VA and Hunt Valley, MD.  Coming up is our Chesapeake Regional in Cambridge, MD, November 11-17. We hope to see all of you at this beautiful site on the Eastern Shore.

New Regional Schedule of Events

In response to your feedback, we have changed our Regional main events schedule (Knock Outs, Swiss Teams and Gold Rush Pairs) to morning and afternoon, Tuesday through Sunday, with Fast Pairs and Zip Swiss in the evening. Note that the games on Monday are at 1:30 and 7:30. We tried this new schedule in Hunt Valley last August, and our table count was up, so we hope that was an indication that you like the change! We will monitor your feedback and table counts to judge the success of the new schedule. Please check the Regional flyers for each tournament for complete schedules.

District 6 Calendar

Keep an eye on your mail for the new semiannual-postcard-events calendar that replaces TableTalk


President’s Message

My term as President of District 6 ends on September 1, so my final letter provides the chance to look back over the last three years and see the changes that have occurred here in District 6 and also across much of bridge in this country.

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Copyright 2025. District Six of the American Contract Bridge League.