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Future Bridge in District 6


We are starting to see life return back to normal – many of us are vaccinated against COVID and we are starting to socialize again.  We don’t know the exact time-table for a return to face-to-face (F2F) bridge, but we are starting to plan for it. The ACBL has just issued updated guidance to the Districts on the return to face-to-face bridge that I want to share with you and then ask you some questions.

Latest ACBL guidance

Beginning on August 1, 2021, the following sanctions will be allowed to move forward – STACs & Sectional Tournaments that do not require ACBL staff. For all other tournament sanctions, the ACBL will review each event and give approval on a case-by-case basis. The local conditions must meet the following criteria for the tournament to occur:

  • Local regulations and laws must allow gatherings of this size to occur
  • Test positivity rates must be below 5%
  • Over 50% of local clubs have reopened and are seeing significant attendance
  • Mandatory quarantine requirements apply to players who have travelled from other countries

For tournaments that do proceed, the following will be MANDATORY:

  • Vaccination: All staff, players and volunteers must be fully vaccinated and provide proof of such upon arrival.
  • Face masks: All staff, players and volunteers must wear approved face masks at all times when within the playing area.
  • Table spacing: Tables must be set at least 8’ apart.
  • No food or drink may be distributed except for individual “grab and go” types of servings that are covered and can be taken without contact from others.
  • Exceptions may be made to the vaccination and face mask mandates due to qualifying medical conditions or firmly held religious beliefs.

Local organizers MUST supply the following:

  • Face masks for those who neglect to bring one (note: you may charge a nominal fee for these)
  • Hand sanitizer available throughout the playing area
  • An “Event Safety Coordinator” who shall be responsible for ensuring all these measures are met.

Please note that all the above is subject to change at any point during these uncertain times.

There are many details to work out and the ACBL may change decisions – always being guided by the health and safety of our players as a paramount concern.

This gives us a framework to plan for the future. Many things have changed during the past year. Bridge will not be the same in the future as it was pre-pandemic. We expect:

  • Attendance at tournaments to decline; and
  • On-line bridge will continue to be popular, though in exactly what form is unclear

The leadership of District 6 wants to plan for the future in a manner that best meets what you, the players, want.  In order to facilitate that, shortly, we will be sending you an invitation to take a survey to gather your opinions and wishes for bridge. Please take the time to complete the survey – it should take you roughly 5-10 minutes.

The survey will address the following topics:

  • Your future intentions regarding playing bridge
  • Your reaction to the latest ACBL guidance regarding the return to F2F bridge
  • Providing better service to members that have day jobs, given that night time games have largely gone away

We will analyze all of the survey responses, report back to you with the results, and plan accordingly.


David Rodney,

President, ACBL District 6

Copyright 2025. District Six of the American Contract Bridge League.