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President’s Message

Happy New Year!  The start of the new year coincides with the launch of the new District 6 website.  We specifically aimed for a website that is easy to navigate as well as update. I encourage you to explore the new website for District 6 news regarding Grand National Teams (GNTs), North American Pairs (NAPs), regional and sectional tournaments, bridge columns, links to unit websites, and much more.

Building a new website is a huge job!  Ron Kral led the 6-month effort along with the expertise of fellow D6 member Brenda Egeland, who is a website developer and author of RSVP Bridge. We sincerely appreciate their hard work, particularly since they worked as volunteers. We are also grateful to Don Berman for the many years he dedicated to D6 as volunteer webmaster, and for his assistance in transferring information to the new site.  Ron and Brenda will act as webmasters until a new team is in place.  Many other D6 members spent many hours reviewing and updating the content.  Thanks also to Shawn Stringer, Don Berman, Lucy McCoy, Ron Spieker, and Jeanne Herrmann for your time and efforts in making this a successful launch.

To access the new website, simply use the bookmark in your browser that you used in the past on your computer/device or use the website name:  www.districtsixbridge.org

On a separate subject, Shawn Stringer’s term ended in September, 2018, after serving as our D6 president for the last 3 years.  Shawn initiated many changes that improved our experience as bridge players.  She organized and led a team that cleaned or replaced all the D6 tournament bid boxes and cleaned, repainted and replaced the felts on the metal boards. Shawn successfully worked with D7 in the reorganization of the Mid-Atlantic Bridge Conference at the time that the districts took over responsibility for running their regionals.  The new model removed a layer of administration, which saves both Districts time and money while allowing us to continue to collaborate on advertising and other mutually beneficial activities.  We are very grateful to Shawn for her leadership in our District.  We are fortunate that she will continue to serve as Regional Management Chair, handling tournament logistics and ensuring that we continue to have some of the most smoothly run regionals in the ACBL. Thank you Shawn!

Copyright 2025. District Six of the American Contract Bridge League.